Varimetrix Modeling

Varimetrix Modeling is a parametric/variational 3-D solids and surface modeling package. The unique Varimetrix Unified Parametric Geometry (UPG) engine obsoletes traditional V-REP, CSG, or hybrid modelers by seamlessly integrating solid, surface, and wireframe geometry with a single user interface, database and parametric/variational strategy. The design process is dynamic while Varimetrix Modeling works with you as your ideas evolve. Varimetrix Modeling supports a wealth of solid modeling methods and techniques.

David Schultz

Vice President
Varimetrix North America
3 Hutton Centre Drive
Suite 200
Santa Ana, CA 92707
714-434-1688 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: 2-Dimensional Drafting, Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering, Modeling, Numerical Control Programming, Numerical Control Verification, the developer index for Varimetrix North America and the market segment index for Mechanical CAE.

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
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