Alias | Wavefront StudioPaint 3D(TM)

Alias | Wavefront StudioPaint 3D(TM) allows artists to import 3-D models in Alias wire, Wavefront.OBJ and SGI Inventor formats and create detailed, accurately placed textures while viewing and manipulating the 3-D shaded models. Shaders and textures for each surface of the 3-D model are defined and managed automatically by the system. StudioPaint 3D gives artists the best of both worlds--the power of 3-D manipulation and viewing, with the creative control and intuitiveness of 2-D brushes and pencils--in a unique integrated environment that leads to greater productivity and creative experimentation. StudioPaint 3D features a number of user interface advancements such as: Marking Menus, Two-handed Input, Customizable Toolshelf, Customized Work Space and a Graphical File Browser. StudioPaint 3D has a special version that supports hardware-based brushes, and has been optimized for Silicon Graphics systems with VGX, VGXT, RealityEngine(TM) and RealityEngine2(TM) graphics subsystems.

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Alias | Wavefront
110 Richmond Street East
Toronto, ON M5C 1P1
416-362-0630 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Color Correction, Image Creation, Image Generation, Image Processing, Prepress, the developer index for Alias | Wavefront and the market segment index for Graphic Arts.

Alias | Wavefront StudioPaint 3D is a Trademark of Alias | Wavefront

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