Diemakers Interface for Contex

This interface allows package printers, trade shops, and designers to receive an electronic package die line (for folding cartons) in either DDES2 or Lasercomb format. Dies from systems such as Lasercomb, Misomex, Krauser, Elcede, Screen, Genline, and others are supported. The die is used as an electronic keyline against which graphic elements can be positioned. Since it is a vector, not raster, the elements are easily "snapped to" the dieline. Benefits include faster package assembly, and fewer errors due to using the same electronic data files between suppliers.

Fred Harrison

Marketing Manager
Contex Prepress Systems
101 Edgewater Drive
Wakefield, MA 01880
617-246-6263 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Desktop Publishing, Electronic Image Assembly & Prepress, Graphic Arts, Color Separation & Print, Image Creation, Package Design, Page Layout, Photo Retouching, Prepress, Publishing, the developer index for Contex Prepress Systems and the market segment index for Graphic Arts.

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