Contex PostScript Out to Agfa Adobe RIPS

PostScript Out to Agfa Adobe based RIPS now offers outstanding value to those who want to use their existing imagesetter but also need more powerful image assembly, stripping, color correction tools offered by Contex. A single Contex station added to a network of Macintoshes can improve workflow tremendously to the imagesetter, and allow the user to preview the high-res file in Contex before committing to final film. Processing of the file is background (Contex) vs. foreground (Mac), Customer gets to use the same Agfa setter for both Contex and Mac, no more investment needed. Customer loves Agfa angles and screens, and will not change. Contex offers them all the extra page assembly, autotrapping, CT maniputation features that they don't like on the Mac.

Fred Harrison

Marketing Manager
Contex Prepress Systems
101 Edgewater Drive
Wakefield, MA 01880
617-246-6263 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Desktop Publishing, Electronic Image Assembly & Prepress, Image Processing, Prepress, the developer index for Contex Prepress Systems and the market segment index for Graphic Arts.

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