WuDAMS, which stands fo Wuhan Digital Automatic Mapping System is a software for auto-mapping, using aerphotos, spot images and close range images. The avalability version is 3.0 running on SGI IRIS/Indigo platform in X-window environment. With the pop up and down menu, users can easily digitized the photos, import them into the system, create the 3-D models and get the maps automatically. The main functions include orientation, matching, plotting, drapping and mosiac. Because of its high performance / price ratio, it has a very wide market.

Tong Nui

39 Luoyu Road
Wuhan, Hu 430070
Republic of China
011-86-27-7814185 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Aerospace, Automated Mapping/Facilities Management, Computer-Aided Modeling, Earth Sciences, Geographic Information Systems/Mapping, Mapping, Photo Retouching, Visualization, the developer index for Liesmars and the market segment index for Geographic Information Systems/Mapping.

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