Operations Control System

The Operations Control System facilitates real-time management of movable company assets. For example, Canadia National Railways (CN) uses the system to manage locomotives and monitor train operations. The system is constantly updated with the current location and status of each train and locomotive via a connection to CN's mainframe control system. Users can "zoom in" on individual areas and issue directives to the field for implementation. Benefits of the system to CN are improved locomotive productivity, ontime train performance, and reduced manpower requirements. Application markets include railway, mass transit, trucking, highway, and airline operations.

Mark Hornung

Senior Vice President
ALK Associates, Inc.
1000 Herrontown Road
Princeton, NJ 08540
609-683-0290 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Database, Expert Systems, Geographic Info. Systems, Operations Control, Operations Research, Transportation Management, the developer index for ALK Associates, Inc. and the market segment index for Geographic Information Systems/Mapping.

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