
GeoCatalogue(TM) provides sophisticated cataloging, data archive and geo-relational query capabilities supporting data management. GeoCatalogue provides tools to access data availability and suitability for both project feasibility and project execution. GeoCatalogue handles both spatial and non-spatial data allowing for a single repository of source data. Handles geo-relational queries with graphical and tabular results. Client/server model allows data to reside across multiple platforms. Easily embedded in a user application via the Application Programming Interface. Open systems architecture operating on multiple platforms, provides graphical spatial and relational query interface, robust archive/de-archive facility, graphical catalogue facility and definition of new data types.

Richard McKay

Sales Manager
Vision International
2708 Valley Hill Drive
Acworth, GA 30102
404-975-9611 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Data Management, Database Integration, Database Translation, Network Management, Spatial Info. Management Systems, User Interface Management System, the developer index for Vision International and the market segment index for Geographic Information Systems/Mapping.

GeoCatalogue is a Trademark of Vision International

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
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