
VirtuoZo is a software for a fully automated mapping system. The main core is a grpahics and imagery processing-system restoring 3-dimensional spatial objects from 2-dimensional images. Based on UNIX operating system, VirtuoZo uses X-Window, OSF/Motif as graphic interface with high portability. VirtuoZO enables even novice users to quickly become adapt in the creation of accurate Digital Terrain Models nad Orthorectified images, using scanned photography or satellite imagery as input. The DTM (Digital Terrain Model) generated by the system can be used in GIS (Geographic Information System), Cartograohy, Urban Planning, Civil Engineering, CAD/CAM, Archeology, Medicine, 3-dimensional computer animation, etc. Because of its high performance/price ratio, VirtuoZo has a very wide market.

Hongnian Shen

39 Luoyu Road
Wuhan, Hu 430070
Republic of China
011-86-27-7816341 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Automated Mapping/Facilities Management, Geographic Info. Systems, Image Processing, Mapping, Subsurface Mapping or Modeling, the developer index for Liesmars and the market segment index for Geographic Information Systems/Mapping.

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