GeoSPACE® provides the solution to the demanding spatial data requirements for multi-level polygon data management within the GIS marketplace. GeoSPACE offers a multi-level spatial data modeling environment which has a multitude of applications including, integrated cadastral systems and multi-level structured databases for facilities management.

GeoSPACE provides a very powerful data modeling capability for building applications which are beyond the scope and potential of purely graphics systems. Full attribute functionality is available within the GeoSPACE software. Textual, graphical, and multi-media attributes may be associated to any entity in the GeoSPACE database.

Donald Linders

Business Manager
GEOREF Systems Ltd.
151 Frobisher Drive
Suite D-216
Waterloo, On N2V 2C9
519-885-4946 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Automated Mapping/Facilities Management, Geographic Info. Systems, Image Analysis, Mapping, the developer index for GEOREF Systems Ltd. and the market segment index for Geographic Information Systems/Mapping.

GeoSPACE is a Registered Trademark of Georef Systems Ltd.
GeoIMAGE is a Registered Trademark of Georef Systems Ltd.

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
Copyright © 1995, 1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc.