VxSAR(TM) (Synthetic Aperture Radar Processor)

VxSAR(TM) is a low cost synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image formation software package. The software package enables the production of high quality images from essentially all current and archive satellite SAR sensor data. VxSAR(TM) makes no compromises in precision as it offers a full implementation of the industry standard matched filtering (range/Doppler) algorithm including secondary range compression. It is phase preserving and its output is suitable for interferometric DEM generation techniques. VxSAR(TM) currently processes data from ERS-1, SIR, SEASAT and JERS-1 satellites. Upgrades are in progress to include processing capabilities for AIRSAR and standard mode RADARSAT data.

Ron McCoy

Marketing Manager
Vexcel Corporation
2477 55th Street
Boulder, CO 80301
303-444-0470 (fax)

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