
Only Focus delivers 2-D and 3-D seismic processing, in interactive and production modes, on the workstation. Focus is built on the entire array of DISCO modules while complementing these applications with ray trace modeling, extensive analysis and QC capabilities, and optional interpretation packages. In addition, the Focus design delivers true interactive processing with comparison and overlay displays at every step. An OSF/Motif structure insures the standard look and feel required in today's systems, as well as the capability of running applications from multiple vendors as the interpretation systems provide for the easy transfer of data between the systems. All these components make Focus a dynamic tool for the exploration geologist or geophysicist.

Robert Malone

Operations Manager
CogniSeis Development, Inc.
2401 Portsmouth
Houston, TX 77098
713-630-3968 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Earth Sciences, Geophysical Modeling, Seismic Processing, the developer index for CogniSeis Development, Inc. and the market segment index for Earth Resources.

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