EAGLES-MODELS (Resource Modeling System) provides grid or block oriented modeling for various deposits. The user can review, modify, and confirm gridded or variable block models before reserves are calculated and mine planning is started. Display for all gridded information is avaliable in the form of contour maps, block sections, and isometric (3-D) diagrams. Features include:

(*) Geometric (grid-oriented) models

(*) Variable zone models

(*) Geostatistics and block models

(*) Contour maps

(*) Isometric plots

(*) Comparative histograms

(*) Polygonal method of modeling and volumetrics

Marilyn Airey

Customer Support Manager
MINEsoft Ltd.
165 S. Union Boulevard
Suite 510
Lakewood, CO 80228
303-969-0022 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Database, Engineering, Environmental Science, GeoStatistics, Geographic Info. Systems, Geologic Modeling, Mapping, Mine Planning & Operation, Modeling, the developer index for MINEsoft Ltd. and the market segment index for Earth Resources.

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