GEMS (Grid Extension and Modification System) is a package for grid editing, modifications, verification, and display of the contents of any gridded geologic model developed by EAGLES or other computer system. Also provided are arithmetic and logical changes that allow the user to create new grids from finishing touches, update the model with new information, or add localized geologic features based on nonquantifiable knowlegde of the deposit. The primary functions are:

(*) Model edit by cross section

(*) Regional model modification

(*) Localized model update

(*) Post-mining generation

(*) Cross section generation

(*) Variable block cross sections

Marilyn Airey

Customer Support Manager
MINEsoft Ltd.
165 S. Union Boulevard
Suite 510
Lakewood, CO 80228
303-969-0022 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Database, Engineering, Environmental Science, GeoStatistics, Geographic Info. Systems, Geologic Modeling, Mapping, Mine Planning & Operation, Modeling, the developer index for MINEsoft Ltd. and the market segment index for Earth Resources.

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