
ResMod is a set of interactive graphics-based 1D, 2D, and full 3D geostatisticl toolkit for engineers and geoscientists in the oil & gas and environmental fields. Vertical, deviated, and horizontal wells and surface and cross-well seismic data may be input. ResMod features an extensive set of estimation and conditional simulation algorithms for hard and soft data, continuous and categorical variables, and categorical-to-continuous dependencies. The algorithm set includes ordinary kriging, external drift, collocated cokriging, indicator kriging and cokriging (Markov-Bayes), sequential Gaussian and indicator simulations, probability field simulations, truncated Gaussian, simulated annealing, fractals, and matrix methods. Both areally and vertically varying variogram models may be specified, and template definition of highly non-stationary spatial continuity patterns permits the modeling of complex geologic patterns. ResMod also includes a complete set of learn and diagnostic tools to understand how each of the geostatistical methods functions on the input data.

ResMod models may be exported to a variety of third-party fluid-flow simulation and visualization packages. Custom exporting to client in-house packages is provided. Model grids may be defined areally using both regular and irregularly defined geometries, and stratigraphic gridding permits the truncation of layers. Full dynamic memory allocation permits the generation of arbitrarily large models.

William Bashore

Managing Director
Reservoir Characterization Research & Consulting
2524 Monterey Place
Fullerton, CA 92633
714-871-4676 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Earth Sciences, GeoStatistics, Geologic Modeling, Geologic Simulation, Grid Generation, Modeling, Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Engineering, Reservoir Simulation, Subsurface Mapping or Modeling, the developer index for Reservoir Characterization Research & Consulting and the market segment index for Earth Resources.

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