
ObjectStore(TM) is a high-performance, distributed, client/server object database for storing any and all types of data that your business creates. ObjectStore is suited for a wide range of complex applications and industries, including; engineering design, manufacturing automation, telecommunications, financial services and more. If you are programming in C, C++ or Smalltalk, ObjectStore can improve the performance of your system while enhancing developer productivity. In addition to being a fully functional database, the open client/server architecture and incredibly fast navigational retrieval of ObjectStore makes it the ideal legacy database replicant technology to bring performance to the workstation.

William Clark

Marketing Development Supervisor
Object Design, Inc.
25 Mall Road
Burlington, MA 01803
617-674-5267 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Application Development, Business, Communications, Data Management, ECAD, Financial Applications, Mechanical CAD, Software Development Tools, Telecommunications Circuit Mgmt, Telecommunications Management, the developer index for Object Design, Inc. and the market segment index for Database Management Systems.

ObjectStore is a Trademark of Object Design, Inc.

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