Versant ODBMS(TM)

Versant Object Technology Corporation is the industry's leading provider of object database management systems (ODBMS(TM)) for multi-user, distributed environments. Versant offers the industry's most complete product line and reduces the cost of creating complex applications, enabling the development of next-generation applications that are difficult or impossible to build using traditional database management technologies.

VERSANT ODBMS(TM) is a high-performance ODBMS(TM) specifically designed to support multi-user, production applications in distributed environments. Versant is built within a scalable distributed architecture that provides features such as transparent data distribution, object-level locking, dynamic schema evolution, and built-in workgroup computing support.

Jay Mellman

Versant Object Technology Corporation
1380 Willow Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
415-325-2380 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Database, Geographic Info. Systems, Network Management, Telecommunications Circuit Mgmt, Transportation Management, Utilities, the developer index for Versant Object Technology Corporation and the market segment index for Database Management Systems.

Versant ODBMS is Registered by Versant Object Technology Corp.

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