
Objectivity® is the leading provider of distributed client/server object database management system (ODBMS) solutions for corporations building object-oriented applications. Objectivity/DB®, its flagship product, provides complex applications with information storage and retrieval, transaction integrity and multi-user concurrency control, all cooperating within your corporate computing environment. Objectivity is the only truly distributed client/server object database, allowing it to scale to meet the rigorous demands of object applications. Objectivity/DB supports application development in the C++ and Smalltalk languages, and is the first object database to provide a complete ANSI-standard SQL and ODBC interface. Objectivity/DB is completely interoperable across major processors and operating environments including Windows, Windows NT, UNIX and VMS.

Vickie Clements

Mar Com Specialist
Objectivity, Inc.
301 B East Evelyn Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94041
415-254-7171 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Data Communications, Engineering, Financial Applications, Multimedia, Telecommunications, the developer index for Objectivity, Inc. and the market segment index for Database Management Systems.

Objectivity/DB is a Registered Trademark of Objectivity, Inc.

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