S-PLUS is the object-oriented analysis and programming environment for scientific and technical data. It provides an interactive, step-by-step approach for classical and modern statistical modeling, mathematical computing, data visualization, and rapid prototyping of analysis solutions. S-PLUS's flexible, modular design allows the data analyst to control and understand every step of the analysis, extend and customize the analysis methods, and have confidence in the results and conclusions developed.

S-PLUS gives the analyst a unified model framework that facilitates comparison of the results of different analysis methods on the same data, completely integrates visualization into the analysis process, and provides more modern and robust methods than any other analysis software.

Sales Department

1700 Westlake Avenue
Suite 500
Seattle, WA 98109
206-286-8691 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Analysis, Financial Applications, Scientific Visualization, Statistics, Visualization, the developer index for Statsci and the market segment index for Data Analysis.

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
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