SCRAMNet®+ Network

The SCRAMNet®+ Network is a real-time communication system based upon a replicated, shared-memory concept. Systran's new ASIC chip reduces the size of the board to only a single slot. Media options now include either fiber optic or coaxial cable. SCRAMNet®+ Network is optimized for the high-speed transfer of data between computers that are solving portions of the same real-time problem. Applications include simulation, industrial control, data acquisition, telemetry, robotics, and virtual reality.

Kathleen Clark

PR Manager
SYSTRAN Corporation
4126 Linden Avenue
Suite 100
Dayton, OH 45432-3068
513-258-2729 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Data Acquisition, Flight Simulation, Process Control, Real-Time Simulation, Robot Simulation & Programming, Simulation, Telemetry, Training, Virtual Reality, the developer index for SYSTRAN Corporation and the market segment index for Connectivity and Communications.

SCRAMNet is a Registered Trademark of SYSTRAN Corporation

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