The NetFX-HIO64 adapter provides Fibre Channel connectivity for Silicon Graphics Onyx and Challenge L/XL servers supporting the 64-bit HIO Bus. Communicating at rates up to 1062.5 megabit/sec with computers, disk drives, switches and hubs, the NetFX-HIO64 adapter hardware and software has been optimized for movement of digital video "faster-than-real-time" as well as large block data transfers. Offering either one or two independent Fibre Channel ports and both copper and fiber optic media interfaces, the adapter supports point-to-point, switched, and Arbitrated Loop fabric topologies. Available software supports SCSI, IP, PRISA proprietary "Transporter" data transfer protocols, plus arbitrated loop network management.

Marc Friedmann

Prisa Networks
5897 Oberlin Drive
Suite 211
San Diego, CA 92121
619-677-9099 (fax)

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