
The EarthWatch® 3-D Weather System is a meteorologically accurate weather presentation tool containing GIS information and 3-D terrain data for the entire world. Create stunning 3-D flybys and weather animations. Integrate digital satellite base map imagery from Landsat or Spot Image Corporation. Simulate sunrises, sunsets, fog and air pollution, rain, lightning, shadow and sky color effects. A direct-readout satellite EarthStation(TM) option provides unlimited visible and infrared satellite imagery absolutely free of charge. EarthWatch® is used in television broadcasting, cable news and post-production for complete coverage of past, present and future weather events.

EarthWatch® runs on SGI Indigo2(TM) and Indy(TM) Workstations.

Bowen Phelps

Dir., Domestic Sales
Earthwatch Communications
17113 Minnetonka Blvd.
Minnetonka, MN 55345
612-476-9010 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Animation, Atmospheric Science, Broadcast Animation, Flight Simulation, Geographic Info. Systems, Mapping, Meteorology, Motion Simulation, Terrain-Based Modeling, Visual Simulation, the developer index for Earthwatch Communications and the market segment index for Broadcast.

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
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