BE Designer(TM)

BE Designer(TM) extends the Beyond(TM) Programming Environment with behavior classes supporting motion in three-dimensional space. Behaviors created using BE Designer can be saved in an external format, allowing the construction of large databases of behavior. BE behaviors can also be embedded into hypermedia documents, including those of the World-Wide Web. The format can be accessed and the behaviors "played" by a companion product, BE Player(TM). BE Designer must be mated with 3-D modeling and rendering software for graphical 3-D simulations. An interface to Open Inventor is available, but programmers may develop other interfaces.

Donalda Speight

Manager of Operations
Inflorescence, Inc.
1631 N.W. Johnson Street
Portland, OR 97209
503-223-4221 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Application Development, Motion Simulation, Simulation, Training, Virtual Reality, the developer index for Inflorescence, Inc. and the market segment index for Visual Simulation.

BE Designer is a Trademark of The BE Software Company

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Copyright © 1995, 1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc.