Computer Explorations, Inc. (CEI) announces ExoDIS 6.0, an advanced simulation development program designed to give the end-user maximum flexibility in defining world environmental effects and platform characteristics for real-time visual simulation applications. ExoDIS comes ready for participation in Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) environments in both stealth and interactive modes. Built-in drivers for flight sticks, head-mounted display, 3D controllers, trackers, gloves, and MISI interface allow for total immersion capability.

Keyton Guthery

VP, Business Development
Computer Explorations, Inc.
917A Willow Brook Drive
Huntsville, AL 35802
205-882-9470 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Combat Simulation, Flight Simulation, Global Positioning System, Military Environment, O-T-W Scene Generation, Real-Time Simulation, Road Vehicle Simulation, Simulation, Terrain-Based Modeling, Visual Simulation, the developer index for Computer Explorations, Inc. and the market segment index for Visual Simulation.

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