Flight Simulator (FLSIM) - is highly flexible and reconfigurable tool for flight procedure trainers, human factors research, and avionics design applications. By using the more than 150 available parameters and graphs, a flight environmetn can be configured for any fixed wing aircraft. Through simple point-and-click menu operations, users define the engine, aerodynamics, aircraft control, and world parameters. With the addition of aircraft devices such as a joystick, throttle and pedals, Flight Simulator (FLSIM) provides a realistic user-definable environment.

Sid Svorscek

Development Engineer
Virtual Prototypes, Inc.
4700 De La Savanne
Suite 300
Montreal, PQ H4P 1T7
514-341-8018 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Aerospace, Aircraft Design, Avionics, Flight Simulation, Virtual Environments, the developer index for Virtual Prototypes, Inc. and the market segment index for Visual Simulation.

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