OpenGVS(TM) is a cross platform applications programming interface (API) for real-time computer image generation (CIG) development. OpenGVS includes a comprehensive library of ANSI-C and C++ callable routines which facilitates the rapid development of portable, end user applications. Since OpenGVS is layered on top of OpenGL (or a proper subset of OpenGL when native OpenGL is not available), it supports all of the leading hardware platforms, including SGI's Indy, Indigo2, Reality Engine, and in Q2 InfiniteReality. OpenGVS also runs under WIndows NT and Windows 95 with or without hardware acceleration. Source code, database files, and makefiles are fully compatible across product lines.

John Archdeacon

VP, Business Development
Gemini Technology Corporation
8 Pasteur
Suite 150
Irvine, CA 92718
714-727-3066 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Crash Victim Simulation, Entertainment, Graphics Libraries, Image Creation, O-T-W Scene Generation, Simulation, Virtual Reality, the developer index for Gemini Technology Corporation and the market segment index for Visual Simulation.

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
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