
Dial-a-Tank(TM), created by MAK Technologies, is designed to help you test existing DIS simulations, build new ones, and upgrade non-DIS simulators. Using any SGI and C++, the Dial-a-Tank Developer's System provides a six degree of freedom kinetics/dynamics package, terrain interaction using various terrain database formats, integrated out-the-window views, as well as Motif(TM) or Flybox(TM) controls. The Developer's System includes a GUI Vehicle Builder that lets you construct vehicles from library of provided and user-defined parts. The Dial-a-Tank Test Tool provides ready made simulators to test your DIS applications.

Benjamin Lubetsky

Sales Manager
MAK Technologies, Inc.
185 Alewife Brook Parkway
Cambridge, MA 02138
617-876-9208 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Automotive Design, Flight Simulation, Kinematics & Dynamics, Simulation, Vehicle Design, the developer index for MAK Technologies, Inc. and the market segment index for Visual Simulation.

Dial-a-Tank is a Trademark of MaK Technologies, Inc.

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