
PowerScene applies highly-evolved virtual reality and database management techniques to advanced image exploitation.

PowerScene renders real-time, perspective views using actual terrain imagery (e.g. SPOT, LANDSAT, ADRI, CIB) and digital terrain elevation models (e.g. DTED, DEM), with dynamic and static models of man-made objects and cultural features. These functions along with leading-edge capabilities for data fusion have many applications including: miliaty intelligence, analysis, mission preview, planning, rehearsal, and training.

PowerScene has been integrated with numerous existing simulators, simulation networks and display devices. Because its power is scaleable and flexible, PowerScene can meet many varied requirements.

Tom Hickey

Cambridge Research Associates
1430 Spring Hill Road
Suite 200
McLean, VA 22102
703-790-0370 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Flight Simulation, Image Analysis, O-T-W Scene Generation, Terrain-Based Modeling, Virtual Environments, the developer index for Cambridge Research Associates and the market segment index for Visual Simulation.

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
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