REPLICORE(TM) is a three-dimensional geometric modeler for creating a database of bodies to be used by visual simulation, animation, image rendering or finite simulation programs. Release 4.0 is interactive employing a 'MOTIF' user-interface and allows a non-technical or technical user to easily and quickly generate complex 3-D shapes. These bodies may then be transformed and rendered in real-time or exported to a file in AutoCAD's DXF format or as a list of points and vector/polygon connectivities. REPLICORE can produce database for entire scenes such as airports (runways included) to industrial plants.

Antoine Chahine

Software Development Mgr
7210 Pindell School Road
Fulton, MD 20759
301-604-3689 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Aerodynamics, Aerospace, Animation, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Educational Tools, Geometric Modeling, Mechanical CAD, Mechanical CAM, Surface Rendering, the developer index for DYNAFLOW, Inc. and the market segment index for Visual Simulation.

REPLICORE is a Trademark of DynaFlow, Inc.

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
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