
MetaSite® is a fully integrated, comprehensive design and production tool for land planning and site engineering. In addition to drafting, MetaSite's capabilities include graphically interactive coordinate geometry, site planning, topographical modeling analysis, and contouring roadway design with full 3-D modeling and interactive shaded images. This allows the user to "drive" the client down the proposed roadway, allowing a view of the project before it is constructed. MetaSite can be applied to all phases of the design process, from preliminary conceptualization to final plan production and rendering.

James Compton

Director, Marketing & Sales
Stephen Dedalus Inc.
5029 Falls of the Neuse Road
Suite 212
Raleigh, NC 27609
919-981-0870 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: 2-Dimensional Drafting, Civil Engineering, Computer-Aided Modeling, Engineering Visualization, Environment Modeling, Image Creation, Real-Time Graphics Display, Real-Time Simulation, Road Design, XTerminals, the developer index for Stephen Dedalus Inc. and the market segment index for AEC.

MetaSite is a Registered Trademark of Stephen Dedalus Inc.

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