OPTIPUNCH© is an expert system for punch press applications. OPTIPUNCH considers material, tooling, labor, inventory, machine capability, and process art to produce the lowest cost production plan available. OPTIPUNCH is the integrated connection between the production schedule (MRP), the part design (CAD), and the shop floor. The intelligence of the expert system knows how to schedule all parts to attain the lowest cost and provide just-in-time production even when special expediting is required.

Dave Lichtenwalner

VP, Marketing
Optimation, Inc.
300 North Osage
Independence, MO 64050
816-836-8589 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Application Development, CAD Data Exchange, Composites Manufacturing, Industrial R&D, Interface Software, Manufacturing Optimization, Material Handling Design, Sheet Metal Fabrication CAD/CAM, the developer index for Optimation, Inc. and the market segment index for Mechanical CAM.

OPTIPUCNCH is a Copyright of Optimation, Inc.

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