
The ROSIN-NC-Werkbank© (Werkbank (Germ)-workbench) is suited for all companies using a CAD system and CNC machines for production. It comprises a set of tools to * process digitized data or files in VDAFS format, * generate 2-to 5-axis NC-programs for all major CNC's, * visualize, customize and tune existing NC-programs, * generate milling programs directly from scripts or logos. The user interface is based on OSF/Motif, the command language can be chosen by the user. The ROSIN-NC-Werkbank runs on all SGI workstations. The tools help to increase the productivity since they largely facilitate all tasks around CAD and CNC.

Petra Wiegmink

General Manager
Roniger Weg 13
Linz/Rhein, D-5460
011-49-2644-9700332 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: 5-Axis Machining, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Mold Design, Numerical Control Programming, Numerical Control Verification, Tooling Design, the developer index for ROSIN GmbH and the market segment index for Mechanical CAM.

ROSIN-NC-Werkbank is a Copyright of ROSIN GmbH

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