Soft Machines®

Soft Machines® is a software machine tool used by NC programmers to verify post-processed machine code data. With Soft Machines, NC programmers and operators visualize in realtime the entire machining operation, including tools, fixtures, palletizers and parts. The simulated machine tool motion can be used to verify part programs and reduce prove out time leaving the real machine tool available for production.

After running Soft Machines, programmers will know:

(*) If the program will run collision free.

(*) How the machine components interact.

(*) How long the part will take to machine.

(*) If the tool set-up is correct.

(*) If the machine tool will exceed its limits.

Lisa Lambro

Product Marketing
Adept Technology, Inc.
150 Rose Orchard Way
San Jose, CA 95134
408-432-3490 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: 5-Axis Machining, Aerospace, Automotive, Manufacturing Optimization, Manufacturing Simulation, N/C Simulation, Numerical Control Verification, Real-Time Simulation, the developer index for Adept Technology, Inc. and the market segment index for Mechanical CAM.

Soft Machines is a Registered Trademark of SILMA Incorporated

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
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