
Lincages-4© enables rapid synthesis and analysis of 4-bar mechanisms. Using x,y, and/or angular parameters entered via mouse or keyboard to define a task, users can manipulate linkage geometry through the entire solution space. Solution maps aid design optimization and allow explicit mechanism type selection. Synthesized mechanisms can be animated (continuous or stop-action), have links analyzed for position, acceleration, velocity and transmission angle (with graphical or tabular data display) and have a driving link with 360 degree rotation added. The current 4.1.1 release adds support for workstations with 8-bit graphics cards. The pending 4.2 release (due Sept. 1995) will provide support for mechanisms with a sliding joint and improved real-time synthesis features.

Arthur Erdman

Minnesota Technology Transfer (MINNTT)
1957 3rd Street SW
New Brighton, MN 55112
612-625-8884 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Kinematics & Dynamics, the developer index for Minnesota Technology Transfer (MINNTT) and the market segment index for Mechanical CAD.

Lincages-4 is a Copyright of Minnesota Technology Transfer

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