USM CRISPIN 3-D (CRISPIN Profile and CRISPIN ShoeDesign)

USM CRISPIN 3-D is a 3-D design system for shoemaking. It encompasses the whole preproduction process of designing the shoe, evaluating the design, producing sample patterns (model size), and production of graded patterns. An interactive costing system (combined with a commercial database) allows the designer to cost a shoe during the design process. A key feature is the simultaneous, display on-screen, and development of the 3-D design and the 2-D pattern, and the ability to work on either at any time. Starting from a 3-D digitized last image, the 3-D design visualization can be on or off the last; material thickness, colors, textures, etc., can be defined.

Tony Garley

Marketing Manager
British United Shoe Machinery Ltd.
P.O. Box 88
Ross Walk, Belgrave
Leicester, LE4 5BX
44-0-116-2610118 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Detail Design & Drafting, Footwear CAD/CAM, Textiles & Clothing, Visualization, the developer index for British United Shoe Machinery Ltd. and the market segment index for Mechanical CAD.

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