VALISYS/Reverse(TM) creates accurate 3-D CAD models from physical parts or master tools. These models can then be used with other CAD modules (NC machining, Drafting, etc.). VALISYS/Reverse performs best-fit regression analysis on inspected data to produce smooth 3-D splines and geometric features. All inspected data is available if you wish to use your own customized data regression routines. Model acuracy levels are adjustable data collection time.

Victor Loskot

Marketing Manager
Tecnomatix Quality Engineering
641 River Oaks Parkway
San Jose, CA 95134-1907
408-944-4799 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Automotive Design, Inspection, Mechanical CAD, Mechanical CAM, Mechanical Engineering, the developer index for Tecnomatix Quality Engineering and the market segment index for Mechanical CAD.

VALISYS/Reverse is a Trademark of Tecnomatix Quality Engineering Inc.

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