
MARC/Designer(TM): A powerful, integrated, and extremely easy to use modeling and analysis system for designers. It is the newest member to the MARC family of products, helps you improve and validate your design, and can be easily integrated into your production environ. MARC/Designer is totally new, using the latest software technology: Advanced elements, a state of the art solver, written using C++, open GL, Component Technology, and structured for parallel processing. Performance has been optimized for extraordinary results on PCs and affordable engineering workstations.

Reza Sadeghi

VP, U.S. Operations
MARC Analysis Research Corporation
4350 La Jolla Village Drive
Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92122
619-587-8710 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Computational Mechanics, Finite Element Modeling (FEM), Mechanical CAE, Mechanical Engineering, Solids Modeling, the developer index for MARC Analysis Research Corporation and the market segment index for Mechanical CAD.

MARC/Designer is a Trademark of MARC Analysis Research Corp.

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