
A high quality renerer, closely integrated with N-Geometry and the rest of the N-World products. N-Render supports a wide variety of shading models including Phong, Blinn, Cook, Lambert, and simple flat shading. Apply texture, bump, opacity, refraction and relection maps to objects quickly and easily. Attributes can be animated over time using N-Dynamics. Output images in TIFF, SGI (RGB/RGBA/BW), and TPX file formats.

Larry Schnur

Director of Marketing
Nichimen Graphics, Inc.
12555 West Jefferson Blvd.
Suite 285
Los Angeles, CA 90066
310-577-0577 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Entertainment, Geometric Modeling, Rendering, Visual/Special Effects, the developer index for Nichimen Graphics, Inc. and the market segment index for Interactive Authoring (Games, Education).

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