V-LAN is a universal machine control network that allows computer control of professional video equipment. All communication to V-LAN is via a serial port with 2-byte ASCII code commands. V-LAN is external to the computer and can control up to 31 devices. V-LAN is truly frame accurate and therefore ideal for frame animation, editing, or multimedia. A setup for animation would need to include a V-LAN transmitter (the V-LAN transmitter is built into Silicon Graphics VideoFramer(TM) or VideoCreator(TM)) and one V-LAN receiver (user needs to specify the machine type).

Stanley Sult

Product Manager
Videomedia, Inc.
175 Lewis Road
Unit 23
San Jose, CA 95111
408-227-6707 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Animation, Audio & Video, Broadcast Animation, Computer Architecture Design, Computer-Aided Modeling, Film & Video Production, Flight Simulation, Graphics Animation, Image Analysis, Video, Video Switchers, the developer index for Videomedia, Inc. and the market segment index for Film & Video.

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