Jaleo Plus(TM)

Jaleo Plus(TM) is a digital image editing and compositing system with audio capabilities that runs on a multiprocessor Onyx workstation. Jaleo Plus combines real-time video, multiprocessor capabilities and true 3-D video effects to create a complete open architecture digital postproduction system. Jaleo Plus and Jaleo Composite® are completely compatible. Effects created with Jaleo Composite can be rendered on Jaleo Plus with the Onyx.

Inma Blanover

Marketing Manager
Consultores De Comunicacion Integral, S.L.
c/Huelva 8
Madrid, 28002
34-1-4169914 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Audio & Video, Film & Video Production, the developer index for Consultores De Comunicacion Integral, S.L. and the market segment index for Film & Video.

JALEO Composite is a Registered Trademark of Comunicacion Integral
JALEO Plus is a Trademark of Comunicacion Integral

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