
WebServer is a high performance web server. WebServer's multi-threaded architecture runs benchmark tests 5X faster than other freely available Web servers, and supports over 1,000 concurrent client connections, several times the capacity of any other existing server. WebServer is based on the Web standards: HyperText Markup Language (HTML); Common Gateway Interface (CGI/1.1), the standard interface for server scripts; and HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP/1.0), and is interoperable with the net's most popular browers. WebServer incorporates a powerful access control scripting language for implementing complex access policies. WebServer administrators can control access based on host, time of day, username, browser software type, authentication method, or other parameters.

Pierre Bouchard

Server Product Marketing
Open Market, Inc.
245 First Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
617-621-1703 (fax)

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