
PowerBroker lets you control, log, and audit activities occuring in the root account on networks of UNIX systems. Using a powerful configuration language, system administrators can set up central policies that define who is allowed to run what, when, where, and under which circumstances as root (or as other important users). You do not need to disclose the root password in order for someone to access root power in a controlled way using PowerBroker.

PowerBroker creates a centrally-maintained indelible audit trail of all the activities it controls. An audit trail query program lets you ask such questions as "tell me everything that user fred ran as root in the last week on machine 37". The amount of information stored in the logs can be controlled through the configuration file, and can be different for each user if necessary.

PowerBroker's purpose is to enhance UNIX by allowing finely-controlled access to important accounts such as root, and by providing a centralized, indelible audit trail of activities in these accounts.

Ben Freedman

Director of Marketing
FSA Corporation
1011 1st Street S.W.
Suite 508
Calgary, Al T2R 1J2
403-264-0873 (fax)

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PowerBroker is a Trademark of Freedman Sharp & Associates, Inc.

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