scsiModem Servers(TM)

Central Data's scsiModem Servers(TM) integrate 8 or 16 PCMCIA fax/modems in a single chassis, saving space and eliminating the cabling mess of stand-alone modems and power supplies. Interfacing via SCSI makes the scsiModem Server(TM) simple to set-up and administer. Each modem port is a native tty port, so there are no complex network configurations, no ethernet bottlenecks and no system card slots consumed. PPP and SLIP are both supported on your host machine. Supports 115K baud on all lines which allows 4x compression. The scsiModem Servers(TM) are ideal for dial in/dial out applications, online information services, Internet access; wherever modem pools are required.

Mark Decker

Director of Marketing
Central Data Corporation
1602 Newton Drive
Champaign, IL 61821
217-359-6904 (fax)

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scsiModem Servers is a Trademark of Central Data Corporation

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