LRA_CDENSE is an extremely efficient and reliable Iterative Solver for solving very large linear systems of the form AX=B where A is a dense complex unsymmetric coefficient matrix, B contains a single or multiple Right Hand Side(s), and X contains the corresponding single or multiple initial guess(es) or solution vector(s). By very large, we mean many tens to several hundreds of thousands of unknowns. LRA_CDENSE is able to solve highly ill-conditioned linear systems, handle linear systems havings thousands of right hand sides, and delivers a reliable O(na), where a<2, iterative solution using only O(nb), where b<2, float words to store the compressed linear system.

Russell Sabora

Elegant Mathematics, Inc.
12142 NE 166th Place
Bothell, WA 98011
206-488-7395 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Algebraic Computation, Industrial R&D, Mathematics, Numerical Analysis, Operations Research, Science and Mathematics, the developer index for Elegant Mathematics, Inc. and the market segment index for Math, Physics, Other Sciences.

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