MATLAB® Optimization Toolbox

The MATLAB® Optimization Toolbox is a collection of MATLAB functions that implements the most widely used methods for performing minimization or maximization on general nonlinear functions. This Toolbox includes nonlinear minimization, minimax, nonlinear least squares, and multi-objective and simi-infinite minimization. Functions for linear programming, quadratic programming, non-negative least squares, and solving nonlinear equations are also included. The Optimization Toolbox is delivered as MATLAB M-files, enabling users to see the algorithms and implementations, as well as to make changes or create new functions to address a specific application.

Enza Froio

The MathWorks, Inc.
24 Prime Park Way
Natick, MA 01760-1500
508-653-2997 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Algorithmic Development, Control System Design, Financial Applications, Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Science and Mathematics, the developer index for The MathWorks, Inc. and the market segment index for Math, Physics, Other Sciences.

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