SHAPES® Geometric Computing System

SHAPES® is a geometric computing system that allows easy programming of geometric applications. It is designed to serve as a development and delivery platform for applications that need to create, manipulate, and query geometric objects or information. Several unique aspects of SHAPES are exact representation, ease of use, multidimensional capabilities, dimension independence, support of nonmanifold geometry, open architecture, and application independence, all of which result from the innovative architectural structure of the software system.

Turhan Rahman

Vice President
XOX Corporation
Two Appletree Square
Suite 334
Minneapolis, MN 55425
612-854-6337 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Application Development, Application Prototyping, Geometric Modeling, Geophysical Modeling, Science and Mathematics, Scientific Visualization, the developer index for XOX Corporation and the market segment index for Math, Physics, Other Sciences.

SHAPES is a Registered Trademark of XOX Corporation

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