High Performance Computing and Network Services

CSC Provides HPC services primarily for the Finnish universities, but also for Finnish Meteorological Institute, research centers, and industrial customers. CSC also runs the Finnish university and Research Network (FUNET).

CSC runs a set of computing resources, including Cray, Convex, IBM, and SGI systems. In addition to the computing cycles, a wide variety of scientific software and research support specialists are available.

Kimmo Koski

Manager, Section for Ops
Center for Scientific Computing
Tietotie 6
PO Box 405
02101 Espoo,
35-80-4572302 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Algorithmic Development, Computational Chemistry, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Engineering, Engineering Visualization, Graphics Animation, Molecular Modeling, Numerical Analysis, Physics, Science and Mathematics, Scientific Visualization, the developer index for Center for Scientific Computing and the market segment index for Math, Physics, Other Sciences.

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