ACSL Model

ACSL Model is a complete environment for simulation, modeling, and analyzing systems described by time-dependent, nonlinear differential equations or transfer functions. ACSL Model has powerful instructions, including a complete compliment of simulations operators and commands tailored for continuous simulation. The graphic user interface, block-diagram front end enables the user to visually create, execute, and analyze simulation models. The Graphic Modeller is a grpahic user interface, block-diagram front end for the Advanced Continuous Simulation Language (ACSL). The Graphic Modeller major features include the following: full compliment of primitives for ACSL instructions, functions, and macros; user defined blocks; modern drawing package; multiple-view, multiple-editor environment: and hierarchical modelling, both top down and bottom up. The Graphic Modeller helps the user ot create a model that is visually meaningful and easy to understand.

William Toscano

VP, Sales & Marketing
MGA Software
200 Baker Avenue
Concord, MA 01742
508-369-0013 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Analysis, Continuous Systems Simulation, Differential Equation Solving, Modeling, Science and Mathematics, Simulation, the developer index for MGA Software and the market segment index for Math, Physics, Other Sciences.

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