Torque RipServer(TM)

The Torque RipServer(TM) provides Macintosh networks with an integrated environment for software RIPs (raster image processors) running on standard hardware, currently driving poster printers, imagesetters, proofers, and film recorders. The system uses high-speed Silicon Graphics processors that can speedily RIP print jobs to one or more output devices. Hooking up your printers is as easy as plugging in a device driver to Silicon Graphics workstations or servers. Electronic prepress and graphics professionals who need to print fast, high-quality posters, films, proofs and slides use the RipServer.

Sam Bogoch

President & CEO
Torque Systems, Inc.
580 College Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94306
415-424-1096 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Graphics Tools, the developer index for Torque Systems, Inc. and the market segment index for Graphic Arts & Publishing.

Torque RipServer is a Trademark of Torque Systems, Inc.

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