MATLAB® Financial Toolbox

The MATLAB® Financial Toolbox for use with MATLAB, available now. The Financial Toolbox provides a robust set of functions essential to financial and quantitive analysis. In concert with MATLAB and related toolboxes such as Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, it gives financial professional a complete workbench suitable for everything from running a quick analysis to developing full-featured applications.

Financial toolbox functions fall into the following categories: fixed-income pricing, yield and sensitivity analysis, cash flow evaluation and accounting, equity derivatives pricing and analysis, mean-variance portfolio analysis tools, date functions, and graphic and cash formats. Advanced toolbox functions require the MATLAB Optimization and Statistics Toolboxes.

Enza Froio

The MathWorks, Inc.
24 Prime Park Way
Natick, MA 01760-1500
508-653-2997 (fax)

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