Empress GUI Builder

Developed under X Windows and Motif, the Empress GUI Builder provides a powerful object-oriented development environment for creating aesthetically pleasing, interactive and graphical applications. The mouse-driven interface provides developers a rich palette of point-and-click tools to give their applications whatever look and feel they desire within the Motif framework. The Empress GUI Builder minimizes the programming required to access and display information stored in the Empress database, including variable length, binary, or multi-media data such as images and sounds. The Empress GUI open C API can be used to write actions with C programs. With this functionality, the Empress GUI Builder can be used as a presentation manager for data that comes from anywhere such as satellite data, flat files, Empress databases or other DBMS.

Jim Sweeney

Marketing Manager
Empress Software, Inc.
6401 Golden Triangle Drive
Greenbelt, MD 20770
301-220-1997 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Data Management, Database, Database Management Systems, Meteorology, Multimedia, User Interface Tools, the developer index for Empress Software, Inc. and the market segment index for Database Management.

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